A Farewell, Thank You, and Recap of 2023

A Farewell, Thank You, and Recap of 2023

Mason Korea
Student Government
December 27, 2023
Hyunwoo Jo
The following was posted as a farewell message and recap of Mason Korea Student Government throughout the 2023 academic year now that my term has ended as Student Body President, and is also viewable on our website. On a personal note, I am so honored to have represented Mason Korea and our incredible student body for the 2023 academic year, and I do truly mean it - I can’t wait to see what the future lies ahead for Student Government!
Dear Patriots,
Mason Korea Student Government for the 2023 academic year has come to an end! On behalf of the Jo-Choi Administration, I want to send my sincerest gratitude for your support and engagement in making our university a better place for all.
We live in tumultuous times today – when President Washington addressed the Mason Community on what it means to be a Patriot earlier this year, he mentioned that with "our differences come many world views, beliefs, experiences and expressions, and the only way we thrive is by providing a safe and open public square that allows these differences to comingle." Despite the disagreements many of us may come across in our daily lives, these differences are the very moments where our core identity and values of diversity and inclusion truly shine as a university.
So, we ask that you continue to be role models for our community here as well: even when it comes to concerns about our campus, each one of which has a heavy impact on our students’ university life, academic success, and/or safety, we welcome critical – and healthy – discourse here. That includes not only students, but also our faculty and staff; the purpose of Student Government is to not only serve and advocate for the interests of the student body but also to educate the University community regarding the state of the institution, as per the Student Body Constitution.
Without further ado, we are excited to share our Fall 2023 Executive Report that recaps and summarizes on the progress that we’ve made this semester as part of our initiatives to improve our communication with the student body. You may find our Spring 2023 Executive Report and our Student Senate Legislation Logs on our website as well.
In sum, with your support, we were able to complete 50+ initiatives and projects over the course of this year, ranging from more on-campus events to building long-term relations within the Incheon Global Campus, the Incheon Metropolitan City, and with our counterparts at the Fairfax Campus. We are truly excited to see the exciting journey that future administrations embark on with the strong foundation that we’ve built this year as the first campus to transition to a more independent and open Student Government in the Incheon Global Campus.
Thank you all once again for making one of, if not the most, memorable years in our lives serving our community this year as student leaders – an honor and privilege we owe you for.